Friday 21 August 2015

The Periodic Tales!

As I walk down the aisle of the supermarket gathering supplies for the month, I pick up my monthly stash of sanitary napkins and casually toss them into my shopping cart. The lady next to me cringes and glares at me as she hurriedly hides her stash amidst other stuff in her cart. :|

I am at a cousin's place watching a movie on TV with her family of two sons, a sanitary napkin commercial comes up , the room turns uncomfortable as my sister fidgets with the remote to flip the channel. :|

A friend empties her shopping bag on the bed as her brother walks in , she drops her cardigan on the pack of sanitary napkins that have rolled out of her bag. :|

My aunt doesn't allow me to dispose off the used sanitary napkin (wrapped in a paper) in the dustbin of the house as there are men in the house, "You need to use the one across the street on such days.", she says. :|

I am sure each of us have such a period tale to share some so weird that you actually have no idea how to react!
Don't even get me started on the age old beliefs and superstitions that get thrown at you from time to time by people around you.

Even our commercials focus on only the ' accidental stains ' - that seem to be the only trouble we face when we are on our period.  What about cramps, bloating, depression, insomnia, the mood swings and the struggle to be at work when every cell in your body urges you to curl up and sleep.
And what's with the 'blue' ink ???

Those stains wouldn't have been such a distress had we not made such a big deal, whispered about it among our girlfriends, hushed-up about our agony and referred to our period as "that time of the month" or "un dino" and so on.... :f

Relax ladies, we are WOMEN, we BLEED!!!! BE PROUD. And if our society can't handle it let's educate them better!!