Friday 4 September 2015

A Silent Apology

Like many , "Monday morning-blues" stings me hard. It's a day no-matter what I do , I always seems to be running behind schedule. Getting back into the work-mode always seem to be a mammoth task! :f

On such a fateful Monday , as I am speeding to work on my Scooty with myriad thoughts drifting in my head and trying hard to stifle a yawn ; another biker whizzes past me from my blind side almost toppling me off my bike.
 I manage to screech to a halt with a palpitating heart. And being the true Indian that I am, as I look-up to curse the guy assuming he must have sped off; I was definitely in for a shock! :o

I see the biker halted just a few meters ahead. His visor of the helmet still being pulled down, I cannot see his face. Before I could even utter a word, he raises his hand and makes the OK gesture inquiring if all was good at my end. Bewildered I nod slowly. He immediately puts his palm to his heart and bows to apologize before gunning the bike to take off again.

It all happened so fast that it took  me a few seconds to recover from this escapade but I found myself smiling as I saw him vanish over the horizon. And as I kick-start my bike to heed for work, I even find myself murmuring a prayer to help the unknown biker reach his destination safe and on time. He really seemed to be in a hurry but his little action actually uplifted my Monday morning spirits which would have sunken to a new low had he not stopped to apologize.

In our hurried world, we forget to be mindful, to be courteous, to be humble , to be thankful. But we forget actions speak louder than words, even your small gesture can change someone's life for better or for worse or may just cure someone's Monday morning blues! ;)