Wednesday 28 October 2015

The Ghosts In Your Closet .....

If you are plump, you are haunted by the calories you eat

If you are employed, you are haunted by the pink slips

If you are pregnant , you are haunted by the weight you would gain

If you are a student, you are haunted by the weight of expectations and assessments

If you are in the movie biz, you are haunted by the Friday box-office

If you are sportsperson, you are haunted by a game loss.

If you are a mother, of well you are haunted all the time with worries.

And when you are a blogger, you are haunted by the " writer's block! "

We all have our ghosts, so what haunts you?

P.S : Well this post is in lieu of the Halloween spirits & not because the wordsmith in me is on a temporary ( hopefully ) furlough like some of you suspect :P :P :P

Oh wait! I just got one more - If you are an Indian, you probably are haunted by what our government bans next! :P :P

Happy Halloween fellas :vD

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